Beauty Spot Newsletter June 2012

Dear Ro’s Beauty Spot Customer

Hope you are doing well? Can you believe we are in June already, soon the longest night will be upon us and then we can look forward to longer days, and hopefully the feeling of a little more time to get things done!

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill in my customer service feedback form, I really do want to hear from you and how you feel about coming to my salon, where I can improve my service and if I can give you a better, more personal experience and more helpful advice.

If you are a regular customer to the salon you will know that I sell Annique too and I’m always try to talk about the new products being launched and focus on some old favourites too. Today I would like to talk about the new Crème de Nuit(night cream for mature, dry skin types) and the Moisture Serum(for anyone), just recently launched in the Annique product list.

The New and improved Crème De Nuit is now a member of the Forver Young group of the Annique Products. It now contains a superior vegetal serum that helps nourish and repair aged and dehydrated skins. This means it helps feeds the skin and keeps it’s hydrated for longer during the day but at the same time fights the signs of aging. It comes in a new packaging and is still going to be one of Annique’s top 15 sellers.

Then launched this month is the new Moisture Serum. It helps boosts hydration in the skin, restoring the skins protection levels against sensitivity, dryness and dehydration. It also contains Rooibos oil and Vitamin E(like Anniques Miracle Tissue Oil) so it locks in moisture, helps repair damaged, uneven skin tones and leaves the skin soft and smooth. This product is part of the Essence Range which means it’s a treatment product, and should be used in conjunction with your day and/or night cream. Please note this is different to the Skin Detox, which helps improve the skins appearance but preventing blocked pores, improving the protection against free radicals.

The Annique Happy Tea is back by popular Demand, but more then likely for a promotional time, so don’t forget to stock up on that either. R39 a box.

Then the Miracle Tissue Oil Lip Therapy has now finished its promotional life but maybe I can get one or two, so if you would like to keep one for future use then let me know.

Last but not least I have made up a really nice Gift Set for someone special, with a Miracle Tissue Lip Therapy, Body Butter, Hand Lotion, Travel Soap and Body Wonder Sponge. I have it on Special For R170, valued at R220.

Treatment Specials

  • Rose Facial with Mini Manicure R200
  • Hand Exfoliation and Paraffin wax dip (add on to ANY treatment) R30
  • Receive 2 Loyalty circles with any treatment of R250 or more

Valid 13 June – 13 July 2012

Days OFF until End July

  • Friday 29 June I am closing at 14h30
  • Saturday 30 June 2012
  • Monday 2 July 2012
  • Saturday 21 July 2012

Just to remind everyone that I do work on a Cash or EFT basis, if you need my banking details please just let me know. Also Saturday appointments are very limited and I’m often booked 1-2 weeks in advance, please be aware of this as I would like help someone else if you do not wish to come or have something on but please try cancel 24 or more in advance so I can let my cancellation list know. I totally understand life does happen and there are some things we cannot change but it works both ways and I wish to help all my clients as soon as I can.

Keep warm and I’m looking forward to seeing you this month.
Love lots Rowena

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