Skincare Routine for Winter
Winter is definitely more harsh and drying on the skin and even with an oily/combination skin type one should and needs to still increase the moisture levels in the skin Feeding the skin with moisturizers should be seen in just the same way we feed our bodies.
Ask yourself this:
How often do I drink water and feed my body with nutrients in a day? Generally we drink up to 8 glasses of water a day, yes in winter we do tend to drink less as we think we don’t need it.
Now ask yourself:
Does my body hold more toxins and skin feel drier in winter? If you answered yes, do you think it has something to do with the amount of water we DON’T take in in winter? You should still try and keep up the water intake in winter, maybe in another form – Tea, Soup or warm water even DE-caf coffee!
With that said our skins also need to be fed and nourished just like our bodies, it is our biggest organ and does the most protecting.
During winter we need to give our skins more moisture and nourishment and most skincare products if best suited for your skins will absorb quickly and effortlessly no matter what time of the day we apply. Foundation should also allow transparency with regards to moisturizers and nourishment.
Annique Products that will help keep moisture levels up:
1. Revitalising Cream twice a day
2. Day cream(depending on your skin type)- up to 8 times a day
3. Skin detox twice a day
4. Miracle tissue oil twice a day
5. NEW moisture Serum twice a day
6. Lifting neck and bust cream- up to 4 times a day
7. pH Freshener or Liquid Skin Nutrition- up to 8 times a day
Exfoliation should be done every 4-5 days to help remove dead skin cells and improve blood circulation.